Making claims should be quick and easy. SwiftClaim offers instant claims directly to the approving authority via web browsers and iOS or Android devices.
Allows the implementation of transparent compliance for enterprise travel and expense policy. It will avoid dispute over employee expenses claims and lead to more efficient payment processes.
Go Green. Past and present claim details can be retrieved easily from the system without having to print out on paper. Retrieval of information is at one’s finger tips instead of folders and files.
Approval setup can be as simple as single level direct supervisor approval and as complex as an approval hierarchy, dependent on claim amounts. Different payment approval conditions can also be set based on user-definable formula.
Setup your own claim rule on the limit of claim amount, days past actual invoice date, receipts attachment, splitting of expense amount between claimant and company. You may also enforce different policy rules based on the system pre-determined parameters such as employee grade etc.
Design your own claim type to support different approaches to the employee entitlement. For example, you may define the budget based on the calendar or anniversary of claimant join date. Proration is also allowed on both conditions.
Create your own claim reports. It allows the user choice of their own fields to be viewed as well as filter conditions.
Who will handle your approval role if you have to take leave ? You can route those pending approval claims to another manager during your absence. All approval processes are tracked and can be audited.
Lot’s of more feature to make company employee and approval manager work easier. Anytime, anywhere, just claim